Saturday, February 20, 2010

LISAN test..... (english)

well, open skul wanted to arv adi...

our class  English LISAN test wanna start adi,

i not sure wanna use what topic leh......

can anybody can give me some suggestion? thx....

here are some topic i wanna to test  wit..

i got the links of this topic(video)

Title: off the pill - farts (by nigahiga)
"Every time you hold in a fart, you're that much closer to killing a baby!" 

Title: off the pill - nosy people ( also by nigahiga)
You nosy people stay home, nobody likes you

Title: off the pill - stink people ( guess what ? is also by NIGAHIGA)
Rant on stink people remade! Leave a comment if you agree or ever been in a similar situation! :D

And now, also some topic i wanna try.... but is also by nigahiga....
The shamwoohoo!!! (nigahiga)

The big ............ green ball(nigahiga) 

Word of the day - pwned (nigahiga)

well that all...maybe....

i need u all to help me, or even help urself to this ****ing LISAN test...ok?

Pls suggest me what topic i should use with....



1 comment:

  1. Word Of The Day-Pwned & the bid green ball
    linked wrong
    plz relink,lol



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