Saturday, March 13, 2010


started to thinking the past~




(stop saying so u idiot~)



so good~ and bad and horror and romantic and happy and sad and many many many many~

so what?

it is memories~

my memories~

hope it went back to me~

but it just won't~


Saturday, February 27, 2010


hey , why put 'THE' boring?

how should i know?

tell me why~

i really don't know~

ok! never mind already~

then, what we gonna do next?

erm.... speaking of THE arrived of exam~ did u do your revision?

guess what~ no i i didn't...

Oo great~ then why you don't want read now?

because it boring~

but it is THE exam u know!

i know i know...


read really boring...

but you must read it too!

hey, why don't YOU the one who read~ hehe....

ok, bye~( I have run back home read...)

...( me is alone..)

i gonna stop writing now... because, no one speak with me...


Monday, February 22, 2010

it is all over....

hi , is I again....

hi , is me again..

i and me is we....(speechless)

ok, now i going say is it over....

what's over?

the topic is over, dumdass....

oo, then why i and me are still here?

because,i and me need to make it over...

that , u figure it out already?

sadly, no....U?

how me surpose to know?

think!! idiot me....

okok, dnt mad at me~

got something already?

ya!! why dnt me and u just tell sie chung stop typing the post?

ok~ hey chung ar, can u stop typing now ?,cause me and i gonna get this thing over~

(sie chung) no!!


(zerohunter13) hey , dude , why dont u end here?

(sie chung) ah, stay home la u this zerohunter no.13/......

(zerohunter13)is zerohunter13 la~

(sie chung) hey is I who give u this name~

(zerohunter13) so what?

(sie chung) ...... for15 minute~

(sie chung) okok, i just keep writing .... oo, is typing....

(zerohunter13) <> cause is late....

hey, chung!!! stop !!!

(sie chung) yayaya~


damm, take me and i so long 's time~

(sie chung) any question?

no no no~

(sie chung) cheh, pussy little two guy....

it is over~....

Saturday, February 20, 2010


2day , 10am wake up,

11pm, eat breakfast

11.30, open pc, FB..... BLoging...

12.00 tat is abt now...

later.... dunno wanna do what....

hey, then i write this post 4 wat?

erm.... let the time past fast?

ohya.. but the clock seem dnt move d...

no batt adi la...

== right too...

hey, y u talking to urself? crazy little guy...

why not? wanna lets the time past fastter....

okok.... hey not talking la , typing to urself la...

haiya , same la idiot!

wuhahaha, say urself idiot, idiot....


hey keep typing la, the time stop runing if u stop typing...

gut this kind of thing will happen d lo~

why not will?

but i typing now....

okok, so....erm.... how was me doing?

me is good^^, then how was i doing?

i am fine thx u^^

(the third ppl came in).... hi guy, wat i jz do jz now?

shut up!!!

ya . shut up!! is none of my business

(the third ppl run away wit crying....)wuwuwuwuwu...

w8, isn't tat me was crying?

ya , tat me... ( mean both of them...)

then y are me crying?


i noe i noe....

wuwuwuwuww(both of me and i cry...)

(fourth ppl came in...) w8w8w8w8, too much ppl in this conversation...get out...

( the fourth ppl has get out of the conversation...)


wat the hell was goin on here?

erm....talking? to my self?


well , bad thing happen yesterday and yesterday....

wat happen?

i duwan say....

ok, me understand i ....

(well, is time to stop...)


hey, whr the third ppl goes?

( helo sire, the conversation is over..)

oo, ya.... bye^^

LISAN test..... (english)

well, open skul wanted to arv adi...

our class  English LISAN test wanna start adi,

i not sure wanna use what topic leh......

can anybody can give me some suggestion? thx....

here are some topic i wanna to test  wit..

i got the links of this topic(video)

Title: off the pill - farts (by nigahiga)
"Every time you hold in a fart, you're that much closer to killing a baby!" 

Title: off the pill - nosy people ( also by nigahiga)
You nosy people stay home, nobody likes you

Title: off the pill - stink people ( guess what ? is also by NIGAHIGA)
Rant on stink people remade! Leave a comment if you agree or ever been in a similar situation! :D

And now, also some topic i wanna try.... but is also by nigahiga....
The shamwoohoo!!! (nigahiga)

The big ............ green ball(nigahiga) 

Word of the day - pwned (nigahiga)

well that all...maybe....

i need u all to help me, or even help urself to this ****ing LISAN test...ok?

Pls suggest me what topic i should use with....



Sunday, January 10, 2010


school have started a week,

Damn, why i in 2B1....

just a few friend in there...

so boring and sleepily

teacher aslo boring ...

just got two teacher can entertain me...

SEJ and BM no teacher come in teach..

make me boring again...

conclusion = BORING !!!

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